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Dog at the window

Mobile Van Services

We Come To You

Woofingtons offers mobile express services to the city of London Ontario! We come to you and complete all services in our temperature controlled mobile unit. 


Professional services available right outside your door, work place, apartment building or condo. We do not require anything from your home except your dog(s).


We do not have a weight or breed restriction for express services, however dogs will need to be able to get in and out of the mobile unit. Please note that we do not offer bathing or complete grooming options.

Woofingtons owner with her dog in the mobile van
Golden retriever getting their ears cleaned

No mess in your home, less stress for your pet, and more free time for you!

Cute dog getting their teeth brushed

The Works Package

$40 + Tax

For dogs looking for all of the above, try out our complete "works" package!  This package includes a nail trim and file, ear cleaning, teeth brushing and a spritz of cologne! Treats and pets included. 


$30 + Tax

Nail grinding includes a traditional nail cut followed up with a nail file. Nail grinding ensures all rough edges are smoothed out, allowing us to get your dog's nails as short as possible. 


Basic Nail Trim

$25 + Tax

Just needing a nail trim? This package includes coming to your location and trimming your dog's nails in our temperature control mobile salon.


Treats and pets included.

Available Add Ons

Paw Trim

Paw trims are perfect for removing unwanted hair between your dog's toes and pads. Paw trims will help keep your dog's paws cleaner after walks and play times in the backyard! 


$15 + tax

Teeth Brushing

We use enzymatic toothpaste when brushing your dog's teeth to help with bad breath and help prevent plaque build up. Teeth brushing also includes a breath spray. 


$5 + tax

Ear cleaning

Our ear cleaning add on is formulated with natural extracts and essential oils such as Aloe Vera, Eucalyptus and Camphor designed to dissolve wax build up and eliminate odors. 


 $5 + tax

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